However, as our colleague Pranesh Prakash has said, TRAI has over regulated and used a sledgehammer where a scalpel would have sufficed. Marsden calls positive, forward-looking network neutrality regulation.

A possible alternative to a complicated multi-part legal test is the leaky walled garden proposal. 2015: Facebook rebrands Internet. 2014: Airtel launches 2G, 3G data packs with VoIP data excluded in the pack, later launches VoIP pack. What is Net neutrality According to this principle, all service providers and governments should not discriminate between various data on the internet and consider all as one.2006: TRAI invites opinions regarding the regulation of net neutrality from various telecom industry bodies and stakeholdersFeb. Two, it is easy for the consumer who is harmed to monitor the mitigation measure and last, based on empirical data, the regulator could increase or decrease the proportion of the mitigation measure. That test may be legally sophisticated; but as TRAI argues it is clear and simple rules that result in regulatory equity. Faces huge backlash from publicFeb.

The writers work at the Centre for Internet and Society, Bengaluru.Feb. 2014: Trai begins investigation on Airtel implementing preferential access with special packs for WhatsApp and Facebook at rates lower than standard data ratesDec. Flipkart, which was in talks for the scheme, had to pull plugs Factory out after users started giving it poor rating after hearing about the newsApril 2015: Ravi Shankar Prasad, Communication and information technology minister announces formation of a committee to study net neutrality issues in the country23 April 2015: Many organisations under Free Software Movement of India protested in various parts of the country. This would have three as Free Basics, launches in the country with massive ads across major newspapers in the country. This is an example of what Prof Christopher T. Anonymous India group, take down Trai’s website in retaliation, which the government could not confirmSept. One, it would be easy to articulate in a brief regulation and therefore reduce the possibility of litigation. In CIS’ official submission, we had recommended a series of tests in order to determine whether a particular type of zero rating should be allowed or forbidden.

Killi Kiruparani, Minister for state for communications and technology says government will look into legality of VoIP services like Skype June 2013: Airtel starts offering select Google services to cellular broadband users for free, fixing a ceiling of 1GB on the dataFeb. Remember, it is only in the case of very dangerous technologies where the harms are large scale and irreversible and an absolute prohibition based on the precautionary principle is merited. August 2012: Data from M-Lab said You Broadband, Airtel, BSNL were throttling traffic of P2P services like BitTorrentFeb. They cannot give preference to one set of apps/ websites while restricting others. However, as far as network neutrality harms go, it may be sufficient to insist that for every MB that is consumed within Free Basics, Reliance be mandated to provide a data top up of 3MB. 2012: Sunil Bharti Mittal, CEO of Bharti Airtel, suggests services like YouTube should pay an interconnect charge to network operators, saying that if telecom operators are building highways for data then there should be a tax on the highwayJuly 2012: Bharti Airtel’s Jagbir Singh suggests large Internet companies like Facebook and Google should share revenues with telecom companies. Positive in the sense that instead of prohibitions and punitive measures, the emphasis is on obligations and forward-looking in the sense that no new technology and business model should be prohibited. In a counter measure.

Cellular Operators Association of India launches campaign , saying its aim is to connect the unconnected citizens, demanding VoIP apps be treated as cellular operators27 April 2015: Trai releases names and email addresses of users who responded to the consultation paper in millions. 2015: Facebook launches Internet. 2014: Airtel operations CEO Gopal Vittal says companies offering free messaging apps like Skype and WhatsApp should be regulatedAugust 2014: TRAI rejects proposal from telecom companies to make messaging application firms share part of their revenue with the carriers/ with Reliance communications, aiming to provide free access to 38 websites through single app March 2015: Trai publishes consultation paper on regulatory framework for over the top services, explaining what net neutrality in India will mean and its impact, invited public feedback April 2015: Airtel launches Airtel Zero, a scheme where apps sign up with airtle to get their content displayed free across the network. CIS receives about $200,000 a year from WMF, the organisation behind Wikipedia, a site featured in Free Basics and zero-rated by many access providers across the world. 2016: Trai rules in favour of net neutrality, barring telecom operators from charging different rates for data services

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